One of the veteran faculty members in speech at Tommy Tech High School (formerly known as a community college) was the object of the unwanted attentions of two Vice Principals recently. Call it executive harassment.
According to numerous reports that Flagstiffed has received, the speech instructor was teaching a course in which the final speech given by a white student promoted the controversial position that the word “nigger” should NOT be used either by white people or by black people.
Apparently a black student in the class thought that the speech was racist and went running to Vice Principal for Students, Dr. Bivouac Stumbler-Bumbler, to complain. The black student claimed that the white student’s speech said that white people SHOULD use the word “nigger”.
Vice Principal Stumbler-Bumbler took it upon herself to visit the speech class in order to reassure students that the Tommy Tech High School Principal, Dr. Charles Seamstress Ponzi, would not tolerate no high falutin white crackers to upset their pretty little heads with controversial ideas or language. She was reported to have said that the white student’s topic was “unfortunate”.
Vice Principal Stumbler-Bumbler was joined in this executive harassment by Vice Principal for Academics, Dr. Ricky Flimflam.
Here’s the lesson for students: Any false charge of racism will get the attention of the school’s Principal and Vice Principals. Drama will get you more attention than self discipline.
Here’s the lesson for teachers: Watch your back. Anybody can be falsely accused. Don’t expect your leaders to support you. Tell your students how wonderful they are and give them good grades. The problem at Tommy Tech High School is that you are racists who don’t know how to treat urban black students.
(This report was sent to us by HSB. Flagstiffed has checked with our sources for it's accuracy.)
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Amen, flagstiffed!
Tommy Tech students have been conditioned to believe that the faculty are bigots (regardless of race, creed or gender) and are guilty of prejudice until proven innocent. The modern student knows that she may control any unruly teacher by crying "racist" and running to the nearest vice principal. It cannot be long before we each shall be forced to bear a large crimson 'R' for our racial misdeeds and greet each other with titles of "Goody". Our plethora of principals ought to support the professors, not turn the asylum over to the most vociferous inmates!
So what else is new? All problems at Tommy Tech can be traced back straight to the faculty, right?
How would the school survive without wise administrators who support immature students by blaming the faculty for imagined transgressions?
Folks really what do you expect from a guy who regular gives us exhibitionist ghetto minstrelsy at public gatherings. Making the VPs stand behind him at the Christmas dinner a year ago (his backup chorus) and this years chorus of VPs doing the "gator clap" at convocation God it must be humiliating being one of his cabinet.
Frankly I am glad RF went to the speech class to monitor BWG's public admonishment of our students' abilities too think beyond racial stereotypes. Can you imagine what damage she would have done if he hadn't been there? Faculty would have been forced to write on every white board on campus: I will not use the N word. I will not allow any student to use the N word. I will not use the N word. I will not allow any student to use the N word.
I'm surprised the student in question was able to deliver what is being referred to as a speech. Truly a strange man wearing jumpsuits to class every day and hanging around building entrances trying to bum cigarettes off anyone who enters or exits the building. His "speech" was deliberately pointed to create discomfort among the students in the class as witnessed to from his own lips minutes after leaving the class. My concern; why do we continue to allow such creatures on campus? This strange man has no rapport with any students (of any color) because he can not carry on a rational conversation on any subject.
Oh, my!! Creatures on campus! This term could describe so many students-those with baggy pants and extra long shirts, complimented by large chains, gold teeth, oversized untied shoes, and the hats cocked at the uniform irrevant angles! Creatures? Could we say the same about those who bully students in the buildings and parking lots, assault the instructors and staff without remorse, and use language in class and to staff/instructors that would make the most seasoned military person blush? Oh, no, if you want to use the cretin description, you might want to look in the mirror first!
When VPs start appearing in classrooms and insinuate that students are "insensitive" to race, culture, etc. in subject matter for speeches or papers, there is an undrlying tone of Thought Police on Patrol. I am sure this new phase of academic freedom at Tommy Tech will only boost enrollment for the spring semester. The inability to achieve the expansion of thought and research will only serve as the conduit for students on that road to go where no man has gone before!
Explore, Excel, Succeed....New slogan, same old bullsh***!!!
If a student dares to explore in hopes of excelling in the classroom, the hopes of success are minimal....At the first sign of anything other than the gospel according to the Culture Club of Harrison Hall, the violator will be ridiculed in public, admonished for being insensitive to the edicts of King Charles I and his royal court of jesters, and then under "the eye" of constant observation to ensure no further transgressions.
I wonder if every student on campus would be given the support of Harrison Hall if indeed a real threat of hate speech were to occur. Nope! Only those who want to use that crutch as a the last resort when the expectations of study, responsibility, and work ethic have not been employed are given that open door and full attention of Harrison Hall.
Follow, Stay within the Hallowed guidelines, and continue to be doomed to failure....The reality of the situation on campus doesn't sound as "perky" and marketable as "Explore, Excel, Succeed.
Tune in next week, when our hero, Successful Student, is knocked down again and again in attempts to expand his horizons of knowledge and experience................
Anon said:**Creatures? Could we say the same about those who bully students in the buildings and parking lots, assault the instructors and staff without remorse, and use language in class and to staff/instructors that would make the most seasoned military person blush? Oh, no, if you want to use the cretin description, you might want to look in the mirror first!**
Huh? Did I miss something? Who bullies students, assaults instructors without remorse, and could make a sailor blush? Who is being called a cretin? Nobody in my mirror. Dr. Ricky, is this you giving a pep talk to the faculty?
Does Voice of Reason have a point? I'm not so sure.
Is our mission to graduate "cookie-cutter" students who can dutifully regurgitate the mush that fills so many of the classrooms in the Commonwealth?
Or should we try to prepare students for the rigors of the real world? Cultures often clash. Discourse and debate can be uncomfortable. Shouldn't these realities be part of an adult's education?
Play nice, people. Dont fall for the "divide and conquer" mentality that your bosses want to use on you. History has seen it before.
Where is our fearless chief of police when we need him?
And who needs gangs on campus when we have ex-employees, students and under age ne'er-do-wells threatening us?
Faculty members are being harassed and threatened and good ole Perry can't be bothered to do his job. What DOES he get paid to do? Evidently the police don't spend any of their valuable time giving out parking tickets or protecting students and faculty, so I think it is fair to ask what are they doing? Do we have to have a repeat of the VA Tech incident before the chief decides to do his job?
KUDOS to Dr. Fleming!!!!
With so many negative experiences the norm these days and an overwhelming sense that our administrators have overwhelming failed to support failed the faculty, it is important to share some positive news. TNCC's VPAA left early this morning to drive several hours to Wintergreen to attend the VADE conference. He spent 3 hours there then drove VADE's guest speaker to Richmond to catch a flight. He then returned to our illustrious institution so that he could congratulate TNCC's newest PTK inductees this evening.
So here's to the ONE VP at TNCC who values students, learning and faculty.
Kudos to you anon for being on Fleming's chosen list. There have been other faculty whom have been less fortunate in their dealings with him. As with all administrators at TNCC, there is no consistency. He picks and chooses who to support. If you're not on his chosen list, beware. He'll bury you alive.
Believe me this ANON is NOT on the chosen list. This ANON fights vigorously for any concession he gets. My question, and it truly is a question, is how much power does RF really have? Since Fontaine and BWG occupy ALL of Ponzi's time and the college's funds, what is left over for academics? After all which of the current VPs even know what teaching and learning are? RF seems to be the ONLY VP with a solid background in education. It is quite clear that the others have no idea what goes on inside a classroom.
**My question, and it truly is a question, is how much power does RF really have? **
Enough power to damage some good faculty members by preventing their promotions last year, and endorsing some dead weight deans.
Having had peripheral involvement in the VPAA selection process (and having met all of the candidates), I am still confident that RF was the best available choice -- though not a "perfect" choice by any stretch of the imagination.
But what can be expected of any administrator who operates under the Machiavellian rule of King Charles? One can adopt the Royal Vision (a la BWG or Fontaine), or one can risk the guillotine by questioning the Divine Wisdom of the King. Under such pressures, haven't all TNCC administrators become Bobbleheads?
Let's stay focused on the source of the problem!
Amen to the previous "Anon." Let's stay focused on the real problem: Charles "Ponzi" and the shell game that he plays with the board, the faculty, and the staff (not to mention the chancellor).
BTW, I've been hearing rumors again that people are secretly audio recording their meetings with Ponzi, the Queen of the Night, and BWG. Anybody else heard that? I'd love to hear those!
A colleague from another VCCS college recently spoke to his college president about potential employment opportunities at TNCC. His VCCS college president informed him that "It is common knowledge in the VCCS that TNCC's president is a racist."
Where oh where has the chancellor gone and why doesn't he care about the morale of the employees at TNCC? How many MORE millions need to be "lost" before he notices that TNCC is in trouble???
Do you really think the Chancellor knows how bad it is? Why hasn't the Faculty Senate initiated a vote of no confidence? That would become public and the Chancellor couldn't continue to ignore what is happening.
Flagstiffed can't speak for your faculty leaders. You need to ask them yourselves. Flagstiffed can tell you that your chancellor knows about this blogger and knows that this information is here. People know what they want to know and don't know what they don't want to know.
Anon asked: >>Why hasn't the Faculty Senate initiated a vote of no confidence?<<
Good question.
Why doesn't SOMEBODY ELSE do something, you mean? What are YOU doing to put an end to our misery?
President Ponzi is a cunning fellow with street smarts who has learned by experience how to protect himself. He delegates his dirty work to his underlings. Then when theres a problem he claims that he didn't know about the problem. Or when the problem blows up he gets rid of the underling. Did you notice how fast Pam Turner, Howard Taylor, Rob Elsass and others disappeared? Also he doesnt put anything in writing. That way he can claim that something he said was misunderstood. What a snake! So trying to pin accusations on the guy in a vote of no confidence is very difficult.
You got the dirt on the guy? Let somebody know it! Otherwise quit your bitching.
Ok, senator....I think this is where Flagstiffed steps in and says (once again) "play nice people. Dont fall for the "divide and conquer" mentality that your bosses want to use on you."
We are in this together, we need to support each other and together we need to find a way to make a difference. Perhaps, a public statement from the faculty through the voice of the faculty senate with a vote of no confidence would be a great start. Maybe our reporter friend at the Daily Press who broke the assault story to the public would pick up this story too (although he seems to dropped his hard-hitting style. What about a follow-up story? Has Ponzi's posse gotten to him too and scared him into only writing nice things about the school?) I had high hopes.
Senator, a new morale survey would be all that was needed. Morale at TNCC is even worse than it was with Pippins. Showing the declining morale under Ponzi's leadership when compared to Pippins' or even earlier versions of Ponzi himself, would show a dangerous trend. Add that to the exodus of faculty and staff over the last 3 years compared with the previous 3 years would show another trend of dissatisfaction.
TNCC has already settled out-of-court on one case when a staff member was dismissed. When was the last time THAT happened? The needed "evidence" is there.
Thank you Anonymous for stepping in. Flagstiffed hears that faculty morale is very low. That people have given up on trying to change things. Whatever you do don't give up on the fine job that you do. It makes a difference. Everything that Flagstiffed has researched about your President "Ponzi" indicates that he is going to move on sooner or later. He imagines himself destined for greatness and just can't figure out why others don't see his greatness. Or things get too hot for him in one town so he moves on. In time, in time.
Did anybody attend the Christmas party? I understand the number of people attending is getting pretty low, yet the Pres. doesn't seem to be catching on.
Happy ChrisKwanzUkah y'all.
Maybe Santa will give the campus community a real Christmas present year by removing the big lump of coal from the President's Office in Harrison Hall and replacing it with an intelligent life form (Is that Trekkie enough terminology?)!! PLEASE, Santa!!!!!
Well, here it is New Year's Day and Emperor Charles I is still on the throne at TNCC. Either I was really bad and Santa decided to leave the lump of coal on the throne or my plea fell on deaf's hard to hear above all the wind, whether blowing or broken!!!
I guess a resolution may be in order...Do not give up the cause. There is hope that common sense will prevail! And, I will continue to believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny!
I just got a look at the "Spirit Week Calendar of Events." Is the agenda accurate? "Faculty" are scheduled to participate in a Fashion Show, a Talent Show, a Step Show, and a basketball game. And the organizers are also looking for faculty "cheerleaders." Are the organizers engaged in wishful thinking... or has faculty morale dramatically improved?
Do you think we'll get the results of the latest morale survey? I love how there's no morale problem at TNCC.
Is the latest administrator for Mary Baldwin, the VP's wife?
Oh, great! Another survey! As if the College Board will read any of the responses and DO anything about the morale at TNCC. There is no morale, and it doesn't take a survey for any moron to walk onto the campus and determine that factor! And, there should be a real boost in morale when the entire staff, faculty, AND students learn there is only one AED unit for the entire campus. Seems there was only enough money for ONE unit. So, no one on campus have a heart condition (or any emergency for that matter) that requires one of those first responder-type reactions from the Keystone Cop Unit at TNCC. It seems these highly trained professionals (cough! cough!) are the guardians of that one AED unit. So, take heart (no pun intended here), occumpants of Hampton III and other buildings on the far edges of the campus. I am sure you won't need to count those precious seconds passing by as you are lying on the floor waiting for the response team to reach you in time to address your cardiac needs. There should be no way the budget at TNCC is so stretched that the health and well being of its students, staff, and faculty should be in jeopardy! If nothing else, I am sure that crack group of parking/ID officers can get right out to the lucrative unsuspecting victims whose vehicles are parked illegally (or other offenses)and write those tickets. Surely the income from those fines could fund an AED machine (or two)!!
Budget stretched to the max....Ummm, let's see! No emergency equipment but redecoration of the Southeast Center with new equipment and trappings and running classes with only one or two students. Oh, now that's a real money-making situation!! Who approved that one?!!!! Of course, It was all "justifed expenditures." Anyone tried to get new equipment for their classrooms or offices lately?! If you check out that Southeast Center, I am sure you will see where the money for YOUR classrooms or offices was allocated!!!!
Morale is not an issue when none exiets!! B.C. (Before Charles Taylor), TNCC had morale; staff and faculty enjoyed gathering at picnics and campus functions. When all you hear is the theme from "Star Trek" and all you see is the key representative of the college (the President) performing his version of a Michael Jackson moon walk step or two, there is little need to bother with attending anything. Morale has taken the last train to Clarksville and is not expecting to return anytime soon..............
And, the answer is yes to the wife of the VP being the Mary Baldwin rep on campus..........
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