Monday, March 10, 2008

Taylor Called By God, Interview in Daily Mess

It's been a busy month at Tommy Tech High School according to Flagstiffed's sources.

A new climate and morale survey was sent out to all employees. (One of Flagstiffed's sources asks "Will Charles Taylor spend the next two years telling us how invalid this new survey is like he has for the past two years with the last survey?" That's a good question.)

The college's board has sent out its annual survey evaluating the Fearless Leader. A couple of employees have told Flagstiffed about that and wondering what the point is if nothing ever changes.

Flagstiffed has also learned this evening that Charles Taylor suddenly backed out of a local radio appearance recently because another guest on the radio program (something about colleges and universities) is a former employee who had successfully sued him.

But the big news is that Charles Taylor has been called by God to be at your college and the Fearless Leader loves all of you.

A fluff piece pretending to be journalism by a rookie softball tosser named David Squires (the boy's got a future in executive ass kissing) gave Fearless Leader a forum to explain how bad things were at your college before he arrived, how much better things are now, and how God wants him to be there.

If you can stomach it, you can read it at,0,3213831.story

Some highlights . . .

Taylor claims that increased enrollments during his regime are the result of his leadership (never mind that enrollments are up at almost every college nationally according to published reports) all those Baby Boomer Babies coming of age.

Taylor reports: "We have brown-bag opportunities for students to ask questions. I take the time to walk around and have sessions in the cafeteria so students can have an opportunity to ask questions" (That's funny, employees say they never see him. What campus is he doing this on?)

Among his accomplishments for students: "That's why now we have a homecoming, we have a championship basketball program that a year ago won the state championship among community colleges. We now have a cheerleading squad. We now have a dance team. We now have a choir." (Wow. Excellence in all he does.)

What about employees? "In the first year, there was an issue of morale. I have regular town hall meetings that bring together faculty, staff and administrators to keep them involved of what's happening. " (Uh, hello, morale was bad two years into your regime, and according to the sources reporting to Flagstiffed they aint any better. Employees reported to Flagstiffed that almost no faculty attended the last "town hall meeting" because they knew it was another bullshit fest.)

Flagstiffed will leave you with the inspiring words of the Fearless Leader Who Boldly Goes (or should just go): "I'm a very religious individual, and when I make a major decision, or even a minor decision, I take the time to pray. God placed me here to do what he wants me to do. And I don't think my work is complete here. ... I believe it's God's will wherever I'm to be. I love the Hampton Roads area. I love the faculty and staff I'm working with. I love the community."

Feel the love, baby, feel the love. It's all good.


Anonymous said...

I emailed Mr Squires this:
The article is great reading but its hogwash. Taylor does not communicate with the students and faculty and staff cannot stand him! I wish some one would look into the TNCC morale problem. Taylor or his representative have played the Daily Press for 3 years now. He can make it sound so good because the man is a control master. The Chancellor will not take action to terminate his contract. If you want to do some journalism investigating....look into Taylor's past in Oakland or Texas. He was not TNCC's first choice as President because of his past! Check out The Daily Press has looked into TNCC but the PR people keep the Prez protected.

Mr Squires response:
I read that site already and did not find it helpful. If you can give me some specifics…

So I am asking the Prez's peeps to email Mr Squires with the real scoop of Taylor's poop!

Anonymous said...

I emailed Mr Squires this:
The article is great reading but its hogwash. Taylor does not communicate with the students and faculty and staff cannot stand him! I wish some one would look into the TNCC morale problem. Taylor or his representative have played the Daily Press for 3 years now. He can make it sound so good because the man is a control master. The Chancellor will not take action to terminate his contract. If you want to do some journalism investigating....look into Taylor's past in Oakland or Texas. He was not TNCC's first choice as President because of his past! Check out The Daily Press has looked into TNCC but the PR people keep the Prez protected.

Mr Squires response:
I read that site already and did not find it helpful. If you can give me some specifics…

So I am asking the Prez's peeps to email Mr Squires with the real scoop of Taylor's poop!

Flagstiffed said...

Master Squires is a bush league softball tosser.

Anonymous said...

If you click on the link to read the actual story, there is a place to post comments. It publishes your comments on an open forum on the internet. There are already a couple of interesting posts there.

Anonymous said...

So the reporter wants specifics?! Isn't that the job of a reporter at his most basic form-to find specifics?!!

That piece in the Daily Press was so full of fluff, I didn't know if I was a prisoner in a bag of marshmallows or had fallen head first into a bale of cotton. Too bad Mr. Squires had to "cut his teeth" this way and manage to anger the entire body of faculty and staff at TNCC with his bovine excrement.

With all the comments in the Daily Press now attached to that waste of ink article, maybe the editors will realize just what a perfect job of coverup the Public Relations Office at TNCC has accomplished. Perhaps now the public will learn the truth-there is a BIG problem at that little campus by the highway.

Perhaps the Chancellor will tire of seeing the commentary of faculty and staff directly contrast the rosy picture that his "anointed" protege' has painted in the last three years. Let us hope Chancellor DuBois is not wearing the same type of sunglasses that Charles Taylor cannot be without. Someone is obviously not getting the "clear" picture!!!!!

Hang in there, Gators!

Anonymous said...

Do you think all the bad publicity will change anything? Students and faculty have asked where the Chancellor is, and what the school board is doing. Do they even know this thread is here? Will whomever is protecting the Pres. give it up? And if the Pres. is gone. Will that mean all the veeps are too? Or will they follow tradition and support the dead weight deans, like they've been doing for years.