Monday, April 23, 2007

College President Announces Deficit, Nearly One Million Dollars

At a hastily convened emergency meeting of the employees of the college the college president announced that his administration had discovered that they face a budget shortfall in the current fiscal year of $800,000, according to employees who attended the meeting on Friday, April 20, 2007.

College employees say that they were surprised by this news because the college's administration had been providing them with optimistic evaluations of the college's finances which had been under a cloud for the past year after several state and federal audits.

Remedies will include reductions in servces to students by cutting back hours of operation and employment of part time staff, restrictions on official travel, and delaying purchases until the new fiscal year in July.


Anonymous said...

What the hel was Baldygo doing all this time? Did he whisper the news of the problem into Taylor's ear as he walked out the door?

Anonymous said...

We tried to warn your board before they hired him! Now he's your problem.

Anonymous said...

I hate to spoil the dump on the VPs party. Don't forget that classified staff and faculty have enjoyed some salary increases that the college supplimented. So we were being bribed, but it looks like it was at the parttimers expense. The college couldn't afford our additional raises, but we're not offering to take a salary freeze.

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that. There's no love lost for Charls Taylor west of the Rockies. We're still paying for him.

Anonymous said...

Duh....Taylor has always blamed the past comes from the top and he is the top man. With his EGO, I am sure he will find somebody else to blame!

Anonymous said...

Cut us back in hours? Want to save money? How about laying off an executive? How many VP's do we have now? Campus Police.....we pay them to write parking tickets? Do we really need another campus? By the much did the groundbreaking party cost us and the tax payers?

Anonymous said...

Taylor can't put the blame on Pippins this time. I am sure a high official will lose their job soon, its his style! Has anyone stop and noticed the good employees that have left in the last 2 years? How is moral on campus now?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, P-14's, and listen carefully to the president’s message (below). He says that the $800k budget hole is a “routine year-end closeout procedure.” This just means that you can expect this every year from now on. If you don’t like it, find a better job because we don’t work for the industry. If we were, he would be the one looking for a job.

POLL: Do you feel that this president underestimates your intelligence?

Message from Charles A. Taylor
Dear College Community

As we approach the end of another academic year, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continuing commitment and support for Thomas Nelson Community College. Your commitment is essential to student success, and your continued dedication enables the College to overcome its challenges. I am pleased that you have remained focused on the College’s mission to provide excellent educational and training opportunities and delivery of quality services to our students. I know that you believe, as I do, that remaining focused on our mission will ensure continuing efforts to be an institution that helps improve the quality of life for our communities.
During the Town Hall Meeting on April 20, 2007, I explained various routine year-end closeout procedures and additional cost-saving measures which have been implemented to ensure the College meets its obligation to balance its budget by the end of the current fiscal year. The cost-saving measures in place require a great deal of cooperation and sacrifice in the short-term, but are essential to ensure long-term success for the College. The effects of these measures are being carefully and regularly monitored, and I have every confidence the College will meet its year end obligations.
As a result of your suggestions during the Town Hall Meeting, the Thomas Nelson Community College Educational Foundation, Inc. has created two separate temporarily restricted assistance funds specifically designated for employee emergency support and student emergency support. The CSSA, Faculty Senate and Executive Leadership Teams and the Foundation’s Board of Directors will work collaboratively to determine criteria for administering and distributing support from these funds, and further information about how you can contribute will be forthcoming.
Also, based upon your feedback, the College’s Annual Family Picnic will be held as scheduled on Saturday, May 12 from 12:00 to 3:00 PM at Newport News Park. I hope you will plan to attend and bring your family to share in this event. Looking ahead, the Employee Awards Ceremony and Dinner has been rescheduled for Friday, August 17 at a location to be determined. You will receive additional details and invitations soon and over the summer to remind you of this event.
As we prepare to celebrate Commencement, showcasing our students’ successes and the success of the College in meeting its most important mission, please know that Thomas Nelson Community College is addressing challenges proactively today that will afford greater opportunities for us to grow as an institution for years to come. I want to encourage everyone to attend and participate in the College’s upcoming Commencement ceremony on Tuesday, May 15 beginning at 7:00 PM at the Hampton Coliseum. This event marks a milestone in the lives of our students and their families that signifies and reinforces the contributions you make in their futures and the futures of the communities we serve each day.
Again, thank you for all that you do for the College, our students and communities.

Anonymous said...

The GREAT LEADER Taylor wrote: As a result of your suggestions during the Town Hall Meeting, the Thomas Nelson Community College Educational Foundation, Inc. has created two separate temporarily restricted assistance funds specifically designated for employee emergency support and student emergency support. The CSSA, Faculty Senate and Executive Leadership Teams and the Foundation’s Board of Directors will work collaboratively to determine criteria for administering and distributing support from these funds, and further information about how you can contribute will be forthcoming.

Just window dressing to keep the people of Taylorania quiet.

Here are the facts:
No criteria has been estabslished.
No process for applying has been decided.
These people are out of work NOW!

Don't the people in Harrison Hall have any shame?

Anonymous said...

It's our inability to collect on past due acccounts that put us in the poorhouse.
It's a loan repayment to cover the accounts we can't collect that put us in the poorhouse.
It's the increased student enrollment that put us in the poorhouse." What?"
If we payed a loan back in the beginning of FY07 that put us in the poorhouse, why are we hearing about it 2 months before the end of FY07? WHY KEEP US IN THE DARK?

Anonymous said...

Good post.